Friday, July 16, 2004

Correction re: Prescriptions

I picked up my prescriptions this morning and learned that it is the typhoid vaccine (I believe) that provides 5 years worth of immunity. Malarone, the malaria pills, must be taken daily two days prior to entering an area of risk and for seven days afterwards.

It occurs to me now that at $4+ a pill, I probably didn't need as many as I got. I wish the nurse would have emphasized the cost before filling out the prescription and that I had understood all this before I paid for them. Anyway, I should be invincible by the time I get there.

I'd just better find myself at some point knee-deep in a rice patty at sundown, or wearing a t-shirt in the jungle, before I come back.

Thursday, July 15, 2004


I dropped in at Student Health this afternoon to have my prescriptions filled. I'm still recovering from the sticker shock. Another $232.35! It's the oral malaria vaccine that's a killer: $165.85. But I learned that the vaccine actually lasts for 5 years. I thought it was only good for a couple weeks. But you're supposed to start taking it two weeks before you travel. I'm starting just in time -- I leave two weeks from today! In fact, I should be arriving in Beijing in two weeks and two hours exactly.

The prescriptions brings the total costs of drugs and vaccinations for my trip to $764.35. About $100 less than my plane ticket.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Long Distance to China

I got my phone bill for last month yesterday. I had had to make a couple phone calls to China after my first phone card ran out. They were short, so I thought maybe it would be one or two dollars. Try $8.35. For each! And they weren't even two minutes long! With the phone card, I get about 15-20 hours for $20. Glad I only made two calls without it.

My card of choice: the Las Vegas Dream Phone Card I picked up at my local 99 Ranch Market.

Just found this site dedicated to phone cards for calling China:

There's a Las Vegas card listed here, but I don't think it's the same one.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Japanese Encephalitis

I just came across this report from 6 July on the CDC site about 3 recent cases in Hong Kong. The article notes, "The risk for JE among travelers to endemic areas is low, especially for short-term travelers and those who confine their travel to urban areas." And I won't be in Hong Kong in any case.

Monday, July 12, 2004

The First Bloggers

Just came across this on the Yahoo! Most Emailed News page:

Archeologists discover ancient graffiti on China's Great Wall

BEIJING (AFP) - Chinese soldiers sent to the Great Wall centuries ago did not just spend their time keeping alien invaders out -- they also decorated their watch towers with ancient graffiti, state media said.

Archeologists studying a section of the wall in northeastern Liaoning province were surprised to find carvings of symbols representing love and peace, the Xinhua news agency reported.

The historical record may offer an explanation, as it shows the general in charge of this part of the wall in the late 16th century allowed soldiers to bring their families along in order to boost morale.

Each household was put in charge of one watch tower, and the graffiti could reflect their endeavors to add a homey touch to the otherwise austere surroundings.

Blog Redesign

It's finished. For the moment. It took me forever to figure out how to position the Mao portrait. I do like that portrait. Great shirt.

Now I just hope I have a chance to update it while I'm in China. If not, I'll take notes and update it on my return. Happily, Blogger lets you set the date on your posts.
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